Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday Evening

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am MOVING THE BLOG to Follow now at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/grahamlake/journal. This site was recommended to me and it allows you to get an email whenever it is updated as well as Jacque and Bo can add to the journal.

Tonight's update is that today was a long day of new tests that are routine for the stage that he is in. They are taking him off the sedation little by little as well as weaning him off the pain meds. Right now, they are turning the ventilator to auto (essentially meaning that it lets him try to take the breaths on his own). This is the next milestone as it will be a big success if he can breath on his own due to complications from the ventilator that can cause pneumonia and other conditions. The big prayer is for no new conditions as he spiked a fever a couple of times today and they ran tests but it will take 24 hours to see if there is growth on the cultures. If there are no new complications, there is a chance they will be moved from the ICU this weekend but that will be a daily decision. The Rehab doctors came to work with him today to work on movements particularly on the right side and these will be the people that work with him throughout his life to make sure he is hitting each milestone.

Right now the prayers are for strength to keep up the fight!

Tuesday Morning

Spoke with Jacque and Bo late last night and they said that they are pleased to see that he is coming off the sedation - off course this means that he is trying to voice his displeasure with being harnessed into the bed!

  • Results from the EEG (measures if small seizures are still occuring) came back Negative so that was great news for them.
  • Results from the brain tap bacteria that were found did not grow which is good news although they are still a little concerned why any bacteria was found and will continue to explore
  • It was thought that he had a staff infection but they have now rules that out which is also great

Overall, he is showing small signs of improvement but the walk is slow and the journey is long according to the doctors. I know a lot of you have wanted to help and they are really going to need all of you as the time passes. If you want to bring food to them they are craving home cooked food and you can bring it by to the 1st floor lobby and they can come to get it from you but I would call ahead first to schedule with them. Send me an email if you have any questions.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunday/Monday Morning Update

Sunday was a good day for Graham. They were able to change out all of his main IV lines and take away some of the sedation. As part of that process, the Lake's were able to see him move all four limbs which was a huge reason for joy in their family!

His vitals are returning to normal so he no longer needs to have blood pressure medicine and showing more signs of stability. This weekend he was able to be removed from isolation but is still in the ICU but they can hold his hand now and touch him which has made a big difference.

They need continue prayer for the next steps of trying to get rid of the ventilator and they are testing the brain fluid to see if the bacteria are active. His brain glucose levels are low and they really need these to go back up. He still has a good amount of fluid on the brain too that they are watching.

Overall - it is one day at a time but this weekend showed several moments of joy!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

So the above picture is little Rambo - named as the guy that will "ram" the disease out of little Grambo (nick name of Bo and Jax for Graham). This was a special gift from them for Graham and sits at the foot of his bed.

Tonight I got to see the baby Graham and his coloring looked good and he looked so sweet. His brain tap came back tonight and was successful in removing some of the fluid and they believe that it confirms the meningitis (initial results came while I was there so needed to confirm with the doctor). Just a reminder of the small things in life that we can celebrate but so often gets overlooked.

Today was a good day for the Lake's as there were no new complications or emergencies today. Graham is still not out of the woods but it was a day for deep breaths for his family. Jacque and Bo were able to get a little bit of rest last night and have the strength to keep up the fight with Graham.

Saturday Morning

This morning the Lake's were able to finally get a little sleep at the hospital which is some good news. Graham's numbers are getting closer to normal so he now has the platlettes to clot. The cultures for the bacteria came back showing that they are no longer growing! Yeah - an answer to prayer. He had a brain tap this morning to alleviate the fluids and this will also let them test for the virus like they would have with the spinal tap. Keep praying as he has a ways to go but this has been a good day so far.

Friday Afternoon Update

Sorry for the delay - I was having issues with connectivity....spoke with Bo in the late afternoon and he mentioned that the EEG has not come back yet as the test is pretty complex and takes a while to get the results. Overall, he is fighting hard but as Bo mentioned he is not out of the woods in the doctors eyes and he and Jacque just ask you to continue to pray as that is the best gift you can give them at this time.

Right now they have limited the number to two people in the waiting room including Bo and Jacque so they can really only meet people at the initial entrance but are trying to limit the visits so they are not exposed to any viruses.

Also - if you are planning to send anything - they cannot have live plants or flowers in the room so those are best to be sent home but stuffed animals etc. can be sent to the room.

Overall - he is still struggling with breathing and they believe this is because of the fluid on the brain that is a normal result of what he has had and they are just reviewing it now.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday Morning

The good news is that Graham came through another night. The first 72 hours are critical and he is through the first 48 hours which is good news and his condition has not worsened. He does have some fluid building in his lungs but they are treating that with medication and it is starting to reduce the level so that will be another prayer request. They are about to take him in for an EEG which will measure the brain activity and determine if there are any mini strokes that are occuring in his brain. They will have the results of this after lunch. Many have asked if Graham is awake and right now he is being sedated to conserve his energy but when awake he is fighting the doctors and the cords which is a strong sign. Right now the Lake's are requesting limited visits to the actual hospital waiting room as Graham is to receive minimal stimulation and they are trying to stay there with him. Many have asked how they can help and for the next few days they are covered with family in from out of town but they will need assistance with Lucas and meals to the hospital next week. I will find out the day as things play out and let you know and we can try to coordinate. They are overwhelmed and appreciate all that you are doing and all the prayers!